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Choosing a door is not enough

The choice of your door is not everything - the handle also matters. It can be a decoration, a way to emphasize the decor or an element skilfully blended into the background.

Selecting functional details that are to match the interior requires exceptional attention to every detail. Handles should match the entire arrangement and individual elements in the interior. The handles from the latest collection from the Luxury and Lux Line may be the ideal choice, they use an innovative solution for mounting the handle on a single rosette. The mechanism hidden underneath enables installation to the door in less than 60 seconds.


Avanti Luxury Line

The principle of colour matching is one of the most frequently chosen options when it comes to choosing a door handle. A colourful duo, based on a combination of two colours, looks especially good in modern, minimalist or loft interiors. Such a fusion of a black handle in combination with shiny chrome skilfully harmonizes with many textures and colours, thus saying farewell to boredom and monotony. Such a colour combination harmoniously complements the whole interior, so it does not compete with stronger accents, such as a brick or concrete wall.



Luna Luxury Line

Another method used when it comes to selecting door handles is contrast. Black doors are the best base in this case, because they work effectively with gold, which not only stands out from the background, but also adds clarity to the room. As a rule, gold is a common denominator for elements such as lamps, legs supporting tables and chests of drawers, and furniture handles. Combinations of this type are great in confrontation with modern and glamor styles.lampt, nóżki podtrzymujące stoliki i komody czy uchwyty meblowe. Połączenia tego typu świetnie wypadają w konfrontacji ze stylami nowoczesnymi oraz glamour.



Musca Lux

As a rule, simple doors lead into interiors dominated by stylistic asceticism and austere climate. Against this background, it is worth displaying a handle with an original shape. Musca Lux will be perfect. This proposal will make the model attract attention, turning into a decorative nuance. The advantage of this handle is also its ergonomic shape, it guarantees convenient opening and closing - thanks to it, the whole perfectly reflects the main assumption that form should follow function.



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